
Member Sign-up

Take the leap of faith and sign up as a Member Of The Extra Bible to share the word of God Our Father.

Discussion Forum

Join us in our online discussion forum to encourage others and testify to Our Father In Heaven's Blessings.

Carrying His Word

Thin Bibles containing all scripture can be purchased as thin as 1" which makes it easy to carry, share and give. See How to and Bibles for more.


Inspirational Verses


2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


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encouraging the cancer community


Who Is This Ministy For?

worshipThis ministry is for all Christians who would carry an extra Word of God to any person who may cross their paths each day. Having an Extra Bible on hand to give or share will serve and minister to those who have never gained a relationship with Christ and for your brothers and sisters who have received Christ. This ministry is for all who believe in Christ and will carry the Extra Bible to all gatherings, meetings, events and ministry times for the sole purpose of passing on or sharing
the Word of God.

Above all, it will be most serving when God sends a person to you, for you to share the love, grace and sacrifice that the Lord provided for us through the cross for our salvation. It will provide not only a spiritual gift to that person at that time but it will also give you the opportunity to share this scripture that they now hold in their hands.

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My Testimony

worship Let me go back to where it all began. I received Christ as my savior in November of 1978. I was 28 years old at the time and I needed God. Although I resisted for a time God had his plan for my life. It was provided by a person that would not give up on sharing the word of God to me through a tract each day for several weeks until I went looking for an answer to this call from the Lord who is offering to share his incredible love for me.

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